For today's Live Q&A David starts out with the question Will Jesus Return with Angels or Saints? Then he answers your questions from the chat window: How to ask for and practice the gift of tongues. Can we lose our salvation? How do I know I am under a spiritual attack? Is there a difference between the filling and the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Can we use anointing oil for prayer? How important are Old Testament characters and events in todays New Testament age? Does the Holy Spirit enable us to be more righteous than Old Testament saints? Will the rapture happen before or after the great tribulation? Can you explain the alliance made through the covenant in Exodus 24, verse 8? Please explain the importance of the Theotokos (the virgin Mary)! What is it that we are saves from? Is the standard for choosing church leaders today still the same as it was in Paul's and Titus' times? What will happen to the people that are saved during the tribulation? Does Malachi 3, verse 1 refer to Jesus' first visit, or to his 2nd coming?

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